Solitary Rental - Coming Soon!

Streamline Rentals: Pay, Manage, Profit!

Start effortlessly managing your rentals today with one-click payment and management solutions!

Big Features MAde easy

Get Solitary Rental Today

Make managing rentals easy, from your desktop or phone.

Tenant Rent Payments

With strip integration, easily manage your rental payments. With convenient ways for your tenants to pay.

Manage Maintenance Workorders

Say goodbye to phone calls all night, easily allow Maintenance work orders to be created and sent to you by your tenants.

Track your properties within the app

You can monitor key KPI's that can help you better manage your properties and turn a profit. Step up your game today with SolitaryRental

Solitary Rental is a new software to help Real-estate Rental owners and mangers make the process much easier and smooth. It is designed to help smaller owners provide big features that normally cost hundreds of dollars each month. It is being built from the ground up as a Web and Mobile native app. If you are interested in getting on the waiting list and being on the first to get to use Solitary Rental sign up today. We will be sending regular updates on features and development.

We will be in contact soon to give you more information about Solitary Rental and more information about signing up.
Thank you!

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